27 October 2006

Wederom bewijs van de zwakten van het elektronisch stemmen (in de VS)

Hieronder een kopie van een email aan de stichting wij vertrouwen stemcomputers niet.


Allereerst mijn complimenten voor het onder de aandacht brengen van de
gevaren en zwakten van het elektronisch stemmen (hoe breng ik
bijvoorbeeld een proteststem uit ?).

Voor een verdere versterking van jullie (en onze) positie, hieronder
een link naar een artikel over de angsten in de VS (betreffende de
mid-terms m.n.):


Alhoewel het hier de amerikaanse technologie, denk ik dat het
totaalbeeld geldt voor alle elektronische stemmethoden: er zijn teveel
zwakke schakels in het proces; hoe maak je proces betrouwbaar en
verifieerbaar ?

Veel sterkte met de campagne.

Paul Richardson.

21 August 2006

Timothy's first day in Groep 2

From behind the new MacBook, on an overcast Monday morning, here's a photo of Timothy on his first day in Groep 2 at the Sint Nicolaasschool.
Timothy in Groep 2
Another first; he cycled there (i.e. on his bike and there were no 'incidents') and yes, he was real keen on going.

25 July 2006

Distance makes the heart grow fonder ...

After a long break from blogging, here's a little update of our goings-on (especially for those in France).

First of all, the four of us and Harm (Sophy's boyfriend & Timothy's mate) visited Amersfoort zoo.
Queen, King and Royal-Show-Off
Which is interesting, but pales into insignificance compared to this lovely image.
Baby 3
Yes, this is number 3; one picture from the show she / he gave us this afternoon at the hospital (it was all movement so we got a good view of her / him; I think baby will be a girl, but we didn't ask after the gender when the echo was being made; it'll be a surprise).

05 April 2006

Countdown to count-up

(For the lack of better material:)Here's an interesting fact (really); at 3 seconds past 2 minutes past 1 (am) on 4 May 2006 we will witness the only moment in history where there is a "count-up" of time:
01:02:03 04-05-06
(Note that this moment has already occurred in the States as the month is written before the day there).
I guess you're now bored to death...(it's hard to fill a blog).
PS: Caroline: thanks for the comments.

23 March 2006

Sleepy Microsoft Vista performance ?

Checking out Microsoft's new Vista operating system, I was surprised to see that the otherwise solid marketing was let down if you zoom in on performance.
The first 3 bullets concerning Vista performance are:
  1. Sleep
  2. Sleep on desktop PCs
  3. Sleep on laptop PCs
Hardly subjects that make you think of a fast OS. (The whole performance page mentions 'sleep' 16 times ...).
Combined with the news of a delayed roll-out, maybe the Microsoft developers have allowed themselves some sleep ...

18 March 2006

Sophy, Timothy & Dada visit the Spoorwegmuseum.

On a beautiful (but chilly) morning, Sophy, Timothy & Dada visit the Spoorwegmuseum (as mama is at the sportschool). Fun all around, the museum is celebrating St. Patrick's day, but Sophy & Timothy aren't interested in anything but the ride-along train.Sophy & Timothy in the Thalys

04 March 2006

The Gruffalo's visit Odijk

We've had our fair share of snow this past week and I couldn't wait to be free (from work) to spend some time outside with the kids. And the The Gruffalo's.
Aargh, a GruffaloAargh, there's two of them
(Timothy wasn't feeling to well so he isn't pictured outside with Sophy & Harm).

01 March 2006

Taalkin Geordie, like

Think you know a thing or twa aboot the Geordie dialect ?
Take the online test and see how much of a Geordie you are.

22 February 2006

W3Schools is wwwonderful

Fancy like dabbling in the wonderful w3orld ?
Try W3Schools to learn just about everything about HTML, XHTML, CSS, Javascript and much, much more (admittedly I don't know much yet, so it seems like there's a lot to learn). For a javascript example, check out the (new) clock in the sidebar and the one here: .

20 February 2006

Growth recorded.

Tempus fugit, so here's some new photos of the kids (taken this week).
1. Trying to look like Smurfs:2. Trying to help mama with the dishes (they insisted on stripping):
Timothy and Sophy in the bath ..Timothy and Sophy washing the dishes ..
3. At lunch, today: 

22 January 2006

On surnames ...

Just visited the highly interesting "Surname profiler" site and had a look at the geographical spread and prominence of the surnames Richardson (left: 1881, right: 1998):

And Melrose (left: 1881, right: 1998):

Both Northern names, with Richardson being far more prominent than Melrose; which ranks too low to score in 1998 (i.e. a surname which is, relatively speaking, disappearing in the UK).
Here's some more info (to bore you ..):
On the Surname Profiler Project Website (I'm not sure if there are any copyrights ..):
A recent research project based at University College London (UCL) has investigated the distribution of surnames in Great Britain, both current and historic, in order to understand patterns of regional economic development, population movement and cultural identity. This website allows users to search the databases that we have created, and to trace the geography and history of their family names.

02 January 2006

The Dutchie Telegraph '05

Special overseas BLOG edition/collectors item nr. 4/05


A new home
Although we bought the house in October 2004, we only moved in on 15 April 2005. With the old home then as yet unsold, the only pressure to move was the wish to live in the new house and Timothy starting school in that village. After some time of inactivity, the beginning of 2005 saw the start of months of wallpapering, painting and all kinds of DIY. When it finally came to moving, family and friends all helped so everything was moved within a day.
As soon as we settled in the new house, building activities started. An extra playroom / bedroom and a bathroom, were added to the new house. (Giving us plenty of space for guests).After several months of living at / in a building site, the extension was finally finished in July. It didn’t take long for our new house to become our new home.

Old house becomes a cause for concern

In July 2004, the old house of the family Richardson was put up for sale. Although there was reasonable interest, no buyer appeared. On top of that, the Dutch economy went into recession. The market situation was rapidly changing; more and more houses were up for sale in Bunnik, meaning healthy (and sometimes frustrating) competition. Bad news for the family Richardson; lots of worries and a financial burden. Fortunately, in July, after many near-misses, we found a buyer willing to buy the house, although only per 1 December. So now, after one and a half years, the house has finally been sold. Hurrah (and pfew).

Sophy has a gluten allergy, but becomes a healthy little madam

As was in 2004, Sophy starts 2005 badly. Her health remains a concern. After too many doctor visits and anti-biotics, a friend advises us to try alternative medicine. In April, we have our first visit to a homeopathic doctor and from then onwards, Sophy hasn’t looked back. Immediately we were advised to change Sophy’s diet as she has a gluten allergy (up till then, we knew she had an allergy but were unable to determine the cause of this). With further homeopathic medicines, Sophy made a turn-around and is now the picture of health and happy, cheeky and bossy with it.

Holiday 2005
As you must have heard, Nana Richardson turned 60 this year. The surprise dance party was a big hit. To surprise her again and to fulfil one of her wishes the family Richardson booked a week’s holiday on the same camping site as where Nana and Googoo Richardson spend their yearly holiday. Unfortunately, when moving from house, the ever inquisitive Nana Richardson found out about the surprise. But nevertheless they all enjoyed our week’s stay. Going to the beach with the grandparents, swimming in the pool on the camping site and visiting the local zoo made it all a relaxing and sunny holiday.

Timothy’s first (real) birthday party
With age comes responsibility (…). Timothy was allowed to decide (within reason and with a little help) what he wanted to do for a birthday party this year. So, on a warm Saturday morning in June, six little boys and one little girl pay a visit to the nearby Railway museum. It takes Timothy’s parents, his nephew Joep and three grandparents to look after the children as they go hyper. Timothy loves trains and loves this destination. A grand morning is had by all and it leaves everyone exhausted by midday.

Timothy starts school
With some trepidation, Timothy starts school on 15 August. Fortunately, it goes very well and not a tear is shed. In fact he enjoys it very much but does find it rather tiring initially. A little boy is growing up fast …

And finally.
The family Richardson would like to wish everybody a merry Christmas and happy 2006. May all your wishes come true.