23 March 2006

Sleepy Microsoft Vista performance ?

Checking out Microsoft's new Vista operating system, I was surprised to see that the otherwise solid marketing was let down if you zoom in on performance.
The first 3 bullets concerning Vista performance are:
  1. Sleep
  2. Sleep on desktop PCs
  3. Sleep on laptop PCs
Hardly subjects that make you think of a fast OS. (The whole performance page mentions 'sleep' 16 times ...).
Combined with the news of a delayed roll-out, maybe the Microsoft developers have allowed themselves some sleep ...

18 March 2006

Sophy, Timothy & Dada visit the Spoorwegmuseum.

On a beautiful (but chilly) morning, Sophy, Timothy & Dada visit the Spoorwegmuseum (as mama is at the sportschool). Fun all around, the museum is celebrating St. Patrick's day, but Sophy & Timothy aren't interested in anything but the ride-along train.Sophy & Timothy in the Thalys

04 March 2006

The Gruffalo's visit Odijk

We've had our fair share of snow this past week and I couldn't wait to be free (from work) to spend some time outside with the kids. And the The Gruffalo's.
Aargh, a GruffaloAargh, there's two of them
(Timothy wasn't feeling to well so he isn't pictured outside with Sophy & Harm).

01 March 2006

Taalkin Geordie, like

Think you know a thing or twa aboot the Geordie dialect ?
Take the online test and see how much of a Geordie you are.