04 September 2008

Picasa Web Albums now does facial recognition

Greetings from a (still) sunny-ish Utrecht (well the ride into work
was nice enough, despite a 'tricky' wind),

Have you seen the news that Picasa Web Albums now does facial recognition ?
(Something I kind-of hinted at in my blog: http://boekhoch.blogspot.com).
(Maybe they were reading my blog ..).

It seems to work amazingly well (although our bairns all look alike,
so it had trouble differentiating between them). Quite addictive ..
and an easy way to tag photos.

(One worry .. what's Google gone do with all this info ..).

And have you the latest windows version of Picasa (version 3) ?

Oh well, just a quick mail to let you know .. back to work.

Gegroet. Paul.

02 September 2008

Google Chrome

Hi there,

Just scouting through the news and the following caught my eye: Google
are going to launch their own internet browser: Chrome.

Apparently they made the mistake (?? I doubt it ??) of releasing a
comic strip about it too early.

Check it out:

Looks interesting: I'm not sure when it's due, but Windows will be first.

On another note, the comic strip approach is really good.

Gegroet. Paul.