28 March 2008

Dogma's: part 1

Triggered by the study I'm doing at the moment ("Information Analysis"),
I noticed that I sometimes missed 'things' when I was analysing some of
the problems posed.

Annoyingly, I am sure that I wouldn't have missed these 'things' if I
hadn't been in the classroom; some were so blindingly obvious.

Why ?

Because I was trying to work from within the (new) Information Analysis
framework I am learning.

Now this might just be a problem only I have; I try to use only the
tools that I am learning (and try not to use the old tools I knew). Why
else would I be doing this study ?

Now I must admit, in hindsight, that this is a stupid approach; you
should always question the information you are presented with. In this
case; don't believe in the truth of the study; question it.

So what to do; learning throws up frameworks which limit thoughts.

This is of course part of the larger discussion about schools and
learning; we're all forced into a framework and consequently think from
within this framework. This stifles creativity; we have to make an
effort to think from outside-the-box.

So; should I teach my kids that 1 + 1 = 2 ? What would happen if they
could develop their own thoughts ?

But now it's weekend.

(And by the way; why is PI such a special number ? Or is it just that
the framework's wrong).

Gegroet. Paul.

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