15 April 2008

Imaginary sidekick

Today is my day off. I'd imagined an incredibly relaxed day; I'd be pottering on with bikes, garden, ... Unfortunately, I'm already tired. Poor little (that's a misnomer) Sebastian was troubled by a molar last night and paracetamol and the Teletubbies didn't even help. So Sebastian & I spent a fair amount of the night downstairs, on the sofa. Strangely (?), giving him things to chew on (bread) kept him happy. Oh well.

Then there was our alarm clock this morning; Timothy; waking us up 2 minutes before the alarm clock. He's (more than) full of beans in the morning; in shrill contrast with the way I feel. (My first cup of coffee is starting to alleviate that, though).

Then there was the trip to school; Timothy was on his (foldable) scooter (I looked that word up on the web as it doesn't feel right) and Sophy wanted to go on hers. Which was in the car; which was with Christina in Bunnik. Tears.

I sent Timothy off ahead (as he needs more time on the scooter) and spent a 'good' 5 minutes trying to placate Sophy; just as I'd got Sophy to get on the back of the bike (hurrah), Timothy returns asking why we weren't coming. Makes me laugh.

Oh well, I'm all alone now, wasting my time (..) whilst I drink my coffee. Thinking that I need something to spice up my blog.

Listening to Terry Wogan, it hit me. All good shows on tv & radio have at least one person present to help the main personality along. Allowing for discussion. Allowing for dialogue instead of monologue.

So don't be surprised if I introduce an imaginary sidekick to this 'show'.
(Maybe I should call him (?) Hathaway / Wilson / Foreman / Chase / Cameron / Granville or maybe just Terry ?).

"Simple talk is of things, normal talk is of people, intelligent talk is of thoughts".


Anonymous said...

Eee ! I think that's a really good idea.

Anonymous said...

Eee ! I think that's a really good idea.